Alibaba and The Forty Thieves

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The story revolves around the life of Alibaba and his dangerous encounter with a gang of forty thieves. Alibaba is a modest woodcutter, who comes across a gang of thieves entering their treasure store. The treasure is stored in a cave which is sealed by magic and only opens to the words Open Sesame . Alibaba is thrilled to have found the cave. He enters the cave and brings back a bag full of gold coins. This leads to a sequence of events where the thieves come to know that someone outside their gang is aware of their secret spot. They hunt down Alibaba to kill him. Will Alibaba manage to escape from the sinister thieves?


Age -آ 5 - 6
Grade - K - 1
Author -آ BPI
Publisher -آ آ BPI
Format -آ Paperback
Pages - 16
Dimensions -آ 27.5 x 0.1آ x 21.5 cmآ 



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